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About us
School Introduction
ToyonakaHigh School was founded asOsaka Prefectural Dai-jusan Junior High School in1921.
Itmoved to Toyonaka the followingyear and became Osaka Prefectural ToyonakaJunior High School.
In 1948,it became OsakaPrefectural Toyonaka High School as a result of the postwarreform of the schooleducation system.
In 1973,the school building wasfully renovated to be the present building.
Introduction of SGH (http://www.toyonaka-shs.ed.jp/?page_id=36)
● TheSuper Global High School (SGH) Program aims to foster globalized leaders whowill be able to play active roles on the international stage through educationat high schools that contribute to this mission. Students will achieve goalssuch as awareness and deep knowledge of social issues, communication ability,and problem-solving skills.
● Highschools certified as Super Global High Schools design a profile for the type ofglobalized leader they envision. They conduct multidisciplinary, comprehensive,and exploratory studies on social and business issues at the global level, incollaboration with domestic and overseas universities that promoteglobalization as well as corporations and international organizations.
● Thisprogram requires high school students to conduct fieldwork both domesticallyand internationally on a research topic as part of their learning, in order tobroaden their views and pursue their goals.
OsakaPrefectural Toyonaka High School has been certified as an SGH school since 2015.
For acomprehensive outline, refer to the following PDF files.
→ SGH Outline of Osaka Prefectural Toyonaka High School.pdf
Clickhere for SGH blog ⇒SGHblog
Clickhere for SGH blog (English) ⇒SGH (English)blog
SGHconceptual diagram (see attachment)