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School Events

Kasugaoka holds many kinds of events that all different people can take part in and enjoy.

Orientation and Induction are held in late March or early April. This is a time when all the new students can meet some of the seniors and enjoy a day together before the pressure of school starts. It is hoped that this will make the transition to high school life easier as most people will not know many people at Kasugaoka. On the induction day, there are a variety of games to play and everyone dances the folk dance together. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed themselves.

The first-year students go on an excursion soon after joining the school. This year, we went to Green Echo in Hyogo. We travelled there by bus and played many games on the bus which was a lot of fun. When we got to Green Echo we all made a curry together over an open fire. We worked in small groups to make a curry and it was delicious. After lunch, we ran a relay race against all the other classes. We used a thing to represent our homeroom teacher as a baton. It was a lot of fun and because of this event, we were able to start making friends with our classmates.

The second-year students also have an excursion. They don't go as a whole year but as individual classes. They can choose where they want to go and what they want to do.

As a whole year, the second-year students go to Okinawa and enjoy many things such as experiencing Yaeyama Islands and Ishigaki. The islands are deserted and the students can enjoy camping. The trip lasts for 3 days and 4 nights. Okinawa has the most beautiful sea in Japan so it is a trip that all the students are excited about.

There are other opportunities to study outside of school such as during the Satazemi time, when the first-year students visit many famous universities, and when speakers come to Ibaraki to give a lecture at a local hall.

The school's main festival is the Touin Festival. This is the combination of Sports Day and Culture Day. Sports Day is held in early September. The school is divided into four teams: red, blue, yellow, and green. The competition is mostly unique and fun events. There are few individual running or track events as the goal of Sports Day is to build strong friendships and ensure everyone has fun. At the end of the day, each team has a cheering party who perform. They work very hard on their performance during the summer holidays and it is very moving to watch them perform.

On Culture Day, there are a wide variety of performances, stalls, and events. Some classes run food shops, some hold events in which people can try to do something fun. The third years all perform a play which they have worked on. Also, there are live music performances by the light music club, the music club, the brass band, and the dance club. There is so much happening that it is difficult to see everything and we want to have an extra day to enjoy the festival. It was very tiring but we enjoyed it very much.

There is a festival of music and fine arts every year in January/February. The students' calligraphy and art is displayed at the school in Wisteria Hall and other areas. There are some very talented students so this event is very impressive.

The music festival is held at Ritsumeikan University's Future Hall. The hall is very large and many people can attend. The first and second year students perform songs which they have worked on in music class and there is a big performance from the school's brass band.

New Year Cards are exchanged with Southwest High School; our sister school in Minneapolis. This year over 100 cards were made by the first-year students of Kasugaoka High School and each students received a card from a student in America. They were a lot of fun to make and the cards which we received were great. It was a nice way to make friends and some students are now exchanging Line or Twitter messages with students in America.